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Spring 2021. President's Letter

Spring 2021

It’s been one crazy year. I hope you are all doing well and coping with Covid restrictions and everything that goes with them. I’m pretty optimistic that we could make significant progress in returning to a more normal life by the summer, thanks to the vaccine rollout, fingers crossed. Fortunately, we have had almost no cases of Covid on Pender.

Membership, tennis and moorage renewals are coming up May 1st so please see the renewal information, attached.

The MLPOS board didn’t have much going on until recently. However, we are presently working on the development of a master plan to improve the utilization of the playground/tennis court property which will be brought forward for approval at the AGM in October.

The marina and tennis courts are doing well although we haven’t had any work parties due to social distancing issues. Fortunately, we undertook major upgrades and maintenance at the marina prior to 2020. The tennis courts were also resurfaced in that period.

Kathy Gilbert stepped down as our secretary back in the fall after dedicating many years to the MLPOS board. I’d like to thank Lori Davenport who has jumped into that role with enthusiasm, taking a major role in our investigation into improvements to the playground etc.

The MLPOS board continues to be run by excellent volunteers. Vice President, Bob Coulson, Mike Wiley who has managed our tennis court recreational site for so many years that even he can’t remember how long, Wally Foster who sits on the CRD Water and Sewer Committee along with Treasurer, Jean Deschenes and Director at Large, Dave Reed. Wally is at the helm of the marina, again, with the support of Maintenance Manager, Ian Syme, Operations Manager, Robb Zuk and Projects Manager, Art Curtis. Finally, thank you, Joanna Rogers, our Office Manager, who expertly keeps us on the straight and narrow.

I’d like to thank all of our outstanding board members for their dedication to running a smooth ship and to representing our members to organizations such as the Water Committee, CRD, Islands Trust and others as the need arises.

I am looking forward to a much more social and maskless summer where we can once again get together with friends and family, something that we must no longer take for granted.

Jeremy Harwood



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