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MLPOS Directors' Meeting. Sep 12, 2022

Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society

Directors Meeting

September 12, 2022

Thieves Bay Park


Bob Coulson President

Art Curtis Marina Projects Manager

Jean Deschenes Treasurer

Lori Davenport Secretary

Dave Reed Director-at-Large

Ian Syme Marina Maintenance Manager

Mike Wiley Recreation/Tennis

Joanna Rogers Office Manager

Members: Adrian Bleasedale, Mary-Beth Rondeau

Delegate: Ben McConchie


Wally Foster Marina General Manager

Robb Zuk Marina Operations Manager

1. Meeting called to order at 4.02pm.

2. Motion to approve the Agenda

Moved by Jeremy Harwood, seconded by Dave Reed. Approved.

3. Motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.

Moved by Jean Deschenes, seconded by Art Curtis. Approved.

4. Delegates

Ben McConchie gave an informal presentation about the upcoming Islands Trust Trustees election and the CRD Director election. He offered to answer any questions from directors and others in attendance.

5. Business arising from previous minutes.


Lori will check on status of AgriSpirit Grant application. The Gaming Grant application is due November 1, 2022, Lori will work on pre-application process and will continue to look for other grant opportunities.

Governance Update

No update to report

Rainwater Collection

We have received 3 pre-approvals. Joanna will send out another reminder and Lori will advertise this in the Pender Post for October. We hope to get a better response over the next couple of months now that we are approaching the rainy season.

Lawn signs

There are only a few signs left.

Lawn Tractor and Shed

Shed is adequate for now and should hold up over the winter months. This will be addressed in the spring.

6. Treasurer’s Report

See attached report, budget comparison and balance sheet.

Month to Month comparison: revenues are less at $671.98 and expenses are down at $3,715.00

Annual budget for 2022 is under budget by $35,992.35

Jean and Joanna will keep an eye on rising interest rates to determine if we should invest, this will be discussed at AGM.

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.

Moved by Dave Reed, seconded by Lori Davenport. Approved.

7. Directors’ Reports

Marina Report presented by Ian Syme, Art Curtis, and Dave Reed.

19 sheets of fibreglass sheets have been donated to the marina. Possibly another work party in the fall. Ian has serviced and cleaned the marina boat.

Recreation/Tennis presented by Mike

There has be a lot of pickle ball players, including tourists. 2 Gazebos have been purchased for the Tennis Court area. Some tennis players suggested that these go closer to the playground area. Suggestions made for a proper path from the parking lot to the courts. Jean will price out costs for prepping the area for the Gazebos and for a pathway.

Director-at-Large presented by Dave Reed.

Dave has been acting as Operations Manager for the Marina in Wally’s absence, which consisted of mowing the grass and other duties.

Dave was approached by the Firehall about purchasing 2 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) units. One for the tennis court and one at the marina. MLPOS will need to purchase the units and the firehall will maintain them.

Motion made to investigate further into cost of 2 units and determine suitability

Moved by Jeremy Harwood, seconded by Dave Reed. Approved.

Motion to accept the Directors’ Reports as presented.

Moved by Art Curtis, seconded by Jeremy Harwood. Approved.

8. Correspondence

15 responses from the community regarding the new Magic Lake Slow Down signs, which were overall positive.

9. Islands Trust Land Use Bylaw

Motion: The Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society Directors sign and return the response page (3) of the Islands Trust Bylaw 224 with the box beside the phrase “Approval Not Recommended Due to Reason Outlined Below:” checked and the following reasons stated:

• There is no need for a limit on square footage of residential buildings as this limitation is already addressed under current bylaw(s)

• An important reason for undertaking the rezoning of Magic Lake was to provide more flexible criteria and process in approving secondary suites in residential and/or accessory buildings. This is not the case and, therefore, the MLPOS does not see the need to proceed with Bylaw 224 until it addresses this issue.

• There are very few waterfront lots in Magic Lake where docks are practical that don’t already have them. Those properties in that situation should not be treated any differently than their neighbours. Therefore, we feel that, in RR1, there should be no limit on docks and stairwells.

• There should be no restrictions specifically on yacht clubs and marinas for Pender Island organizations.

• Livestock, as defined in Bylaw 224, are not desired in Magic Lake and references need to be removed. This objection does not include chickens.

• Home Business Guidelines are confusing and, possibly, too restrictive.

• Home Industries, particularly those grandfathered in, need to be included in the specific zone they exist in, not in the General Guidelines.

Moved by Bob Coulson, seconded by Jean Deschenes. Approved.

10. Motion: Constitutional changes regarding second Temporary Director at Large


7.3. The number of directors are not to be less than seven nor more than ten as determined from time to time at a general meeting.

Changed to:

7.3. The number of directors are not to be less than seven nor more than eleven as determined from time to time at a general meeting.


7.1 The president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, four marina directors (general manager, operations manager, projects manager, maintenance manager), recreation director – tennis and director-at-large are the directors of the society. The position of secretary and treasurer may be combined.

Changed to:

7.1 The president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, four marina directors (general manager, operations manager, projects manager, maintenance manager), recreation director – tennis and director-at-large are the directors of the society. The position of secretary and treasurer may be combined. An additional temporary special projects director position may be added from time to time as the Board of Directors determines. The term of the special projects director at large will be two years. The position will be filled, in the same manner as other director positions, at an annual AGM.

Motion made by Bob Coulson, seconded by Jeremy Harwood. Approved.

11. 2022 AGM

The date for our AGM is Saturday, October 22 at the Anglican Church. The AGM package including the President’s letter will be sent out to all members 3 weeks prior to the AGM. There will be the option to attend virtually subject to proper working visual and audio equipment.

12. Meeting adjourned at 5:30pm

Next meeting: AGM, October 22 at the Anglican Church


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