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MLPOS Directors' Meeting Minutes September 9, 2024.

Magic Lake Property Owner’s Society

Directors Meeting

Monday September 9, 2024 at 4pm Community Hall Lounge


Bob Coulson President

Roy Moore Vice-President

Jean Deschenes Treasurer

Wally Foster Marina General Manager

Dave Harrison Marina Projects Manager

Art Curtis Marina Operations Manager

Dave Reed Director At Large

Doug Bolton Director Special Projects

Joanna Rogers Office Manager


Mary Beth Rondeau Secretary

Ian Syme Marina Maintenance Manager

Others in attendance: Charles Baker and Marney McKay (taking MLPOS minutes)

1. Call to Order

Bob called the meeting to order at 4:13pm

2. Approval of Agenda

Motion: That the agenda be approved

Moved: Jean

Seconded: Dave Reed (Carried)

3. Adoption of the Minutes

Motion: That August 12, 20204 MLPOS Directors Meeting minutes be approved.

Moved: Jean

Seconded: Art (Carried)

4. Delegation: Charles Baker describes his recent encounters driving at the corner of

Ketch Road and Schooner Way. Poor signage, confusing road lines, speed and

driver inattention are some of the factors he relates to collision close calls.

Action: Bob will contact Ryan Gerault, MOTI District Manager for follow-up

Action: Charles will contact Krista Grace-Warrick, Pender Island Fire Rescue Board for


5. Business Arising:

5.1 AGM

 Joanna will distribute AGM agenda package by Sept 27, including: 2024 AGM Agenda,

2023 AGM draft minutes, MLPOS financial statement for year end April 2024, and President’s


 members will be encouraged to vote in the BC election, and then attend AGM

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 director positions coming up for election in 2024 include: Secretary, Treasurer, Marina

Maintenance Manager, and Director at Large. Incumbents Ian, David Reed, and Jean intend to

run again.

Motion: That changes be made to the MLPOS Constitution, Section 1.2 of Bylaws, in order to clarify the

Purposes of the Society 1.2.2

• Current wording :

1.2.2 To acquire, maintain and administer, or dispose thereof, property in

Magic Lake Estates or the foreshore adjacent thereto for the recreational

use of the members and the public at large.

• Proposed changes to wording:

1.2.2 To provide recreational opportunities for our membership and the public

at large by acquiring, maintaining, administering, and/or disposing thereof,

property in Magic Lake Estates or the foreshore adjacent thereto; and by

supporting initiatives of the agencies and groups that do, or will, provide

those recreational opportunities.

Moved: Bob

Seconded: Roy (Carried)

Motion: That a third purpose be added, following 1.2.2. of the Constitution and worded

as follows:

• 1.2.3. To support, financially and otherwise, community groups providing

important support services to our membership and the community at large.

Moved: Bob

Seconded: Roy (Carried)

5.2 Playground (Jean and Dave Reed)

5.2.1 Jean contacted Swing Time to ask if community volunteers could assemble the work-team for

installation of Atmosphere playground equipment with one qualified supervisor from Swing Time.

Ashley, from Swing Time agreed and is working on new quote which will include:

• one supervisor at $1500/ day for 2.5 days plus travel expenses and accommodation.

Pender Island will be responsible for:

• all volunteers for preparation and assembly,

• all site preparation

• shipping play ground equipment from Tsawwassen to Pender Island

 Collection of pea gravel or engineered wood fibre for surface of playground

Action: this person assigned to collect quotes for each surface type

5.2.2 Art and Bob have inspected playground site and confirm that there is enough area in front of the

existing apparatus to assemble the approved playground. The only issue is the chosen site will not

allow the metal slide to face any direction except south. The slide to become hot during the Summer.

5.3 MLPOS Community Survey (Roy and Marney)

Final draft, now formatted in Survey Monkey, brought back to group for final review and approval for

next steps. The group made the following suggestion:

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 Add to demographic page, Are you a resident of Magic Lake Estates? If the answer is No, the survey

will automatically forward the respondent to a disqualification page.

 Remove the survey deadline, not necessary

 The Directors support an October 2024 launch for survey

 Correct Bean Bags Game to Corn Hole Game

 Include with a related statement, for respondents who are interested in

volunteer opportunities on any MLPOS community projects.

 What about robots? How do we protect ourselves?

Action: Roy/Marney to purchase monthly Survey Monkey subscription

Action: Roy/Marney revise survey, program paid features, update survey logic and prepare to post.

Action: Roy/Marney post survey on internet

Action: Roy/Marney plan and implement immediate communication strategy, before respondents leave

for the winter.

6. Governance:

6.1.1 Bob will provide a brief presentation* at the 2024 AGM explaining the background and

Context of the following motion.

*This motion will not be presented unless there are at least 50 MLPOS members in attendance to legitimize

the motion by the community.

6.1.2 Bob represented the Community Issues Survey and Governance Motion to MLPOS, for

renewal at the 2024 AGM.


 That the membership of the Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society (MLPOS), agrees

with the MLPOS Board of Directors that the Society, along with other interested parties,

will formerly request, through the Capital Regional District, as well as other avenues if

necessary, that the Minister of Municipal Affairs authorize “Restructure Planning Grants”

as outlined in the government’s publications and on its website, fund a formal

Governance Study for the community of Magic Lake Estates.

 And that, the MLPOS Steering Committee, created from the 2021 AGM motion

on this issue, continue to guide the undertaking of the study, along with communications

with various agencies That Moved Jean Deschene, Seconded Doug Bolton

Moved: Jean

Seconded: Doug (Carried)

6.2 Water and Sewer Committee (no report)

6.3 Islands Trust (no report)

6.4 BC Hydro Sub-Sea Cable Location Update (Doug)

 There is still not enough information has been made available to MLOPS to determine if BC Hydro

still considers Thieves Bay a viable option for running the sub-sea cable.

 MLPOS would like more information on selection criteria for Thieves Bay

 Discussed inviting Ted Olynyk, Community Relations Manager at BC Hydro to AGM; however,

it was decided that a separate meeting is preferable to learn more about the project and that BC

Hydro engineers must attend the meeting to address technical questions.

Action: Dave Reed to connect with Chris Hall to confirm the Ambulance Service is involved

Action: Bob will connect with Ted Olynyk to arrange meeting for MLPOS and BC Hydro

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7. Treasurer:

The August Financial statements were emailed and reviewed with no related questions from the


8. Directors Reports:

8.1 Marina Report (Wally and Art)

• August 28 Work party was productive, with over 15 volunteers checking cleats and cleat bolts,

refastening or replacing deck boards, and installing 10 sheets of donated, composite quartz

decking. An overview of the work party and, “thank you” to the volunteers will appear in the

October Pender Post.

• On September 1, the kayak storage and dock area is now controlled and maintained by Thieves

Bay Marina (and MLPOS) after being managed by the kayak owners for 10 years.

8.2 Recreation/Tennis/Pickleball Report

• Wally reports that construction of the Privateers Park sign is under way.

8.3 Director-At-Large

• Dave Reed reports that pickleball has become extremely popular and new pickleball nets are

now required, as a result.

Motion: That the Directors Reports be approved.

Moved: Wally

Seconded: Roy (Carried)

9. Correspondence:

• Mary Beth has resigned. MLPOS directors appointed Marney to be secretary and to record

the minutes of today’s meeting.

10. New Business: (no report)

11. Other:

• Bob announced his plan to create an MLPOS Wikipedia page.

12. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.

Next meeting: AGM October 19, 2024 at 2pm at the Anglican Church Hall



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