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MLPOS Directors' Meeting Minutes, November 13, 2023


HELD ON Monday, November 13, 2023, 4pm

Pender Island Legion


Bob Coulson President

Roy Moore Vice-President

Jean Deschenes Treasurer

Mary Beth Rondeau Secretary

Wally Foster Marina General Manager

Ian Syme Marina Maintenance Manager

Dave Harrison Marina Projects Manager

Art Curtis Marina Operations Manager

Dave Reed Director-At-Large via Zoom

Joanna Rogers Office Manager


Mike Wiley Recreation/Tennis

ATTENDEES: There were 4 members attending.



The President called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.



Motion: That the agenda be approved.

Moved: Art Curtis

Seconded: Wally Foster CARRIED



Motion: That the Minutes of the September 11, 2023 Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society Meeting be approved.

Moved: Roy Moore

Seconded: Wally Foster CARRIED

  1. DELEGATION: There were no Delegations.


5.1. Playground/Pickleball/Tennis Recreational Update

  • 5.1.1. Gazebos: The secretary to follow up with PIPRC re Thieves Bay Park as a location for one gazebo. The 2nd gazebo location may be considered as part of playground/park.

Motion: That Rachel Lenkowski be appointed Special Project Director for our Playground Project. It is understood that Ms Lenkowski is a very busy person, the Board needs to support the project wholeheartedly for Ms Lenkowski to take on the roll. Furthermore, the Board agrees to the following:

1. To hire a professional grant application writer (we actually agreed to this with Lori Davenport but she couldn’t find one).

2. All business related to the Playground Project will be conducted at the earliest possible part of the monthly meeting.

3. Ms Lenkowski will attend monthly meetings via Zoom.

Moved: Bob Coulson

Seconded: Dave Reed CARRIED

  • 5.1.2. The new Director will put together a proposal for teenager engagement in the park and in Magic Lake Estates (MLE).

  • 5.1.3. There was further discussion on naming the tennis/pickleball/playground park.

5.2 Community Issues Assessment Survey (Governance Review)

  • 5.2.1. There was a good response of 324 surveys filled out and 91% identified as residents of MLE. In general, MLE showed high levels of satisfaction on all issues. On slide 9 of the consultant’s presentation, there was a summary of initial findings:

"For the 19 services reviewed, they generally fall into 3 categories:

High Satisfaction / High Importance – eleven (11) of these services fall into this category, with the highest rated services overall being: ambulance/paramedic services, fire protection, and water/sewer

Medium Satisfaction / Medium Importance – four (4) of the services fall into this category, namely: land use planning, climate change/environmental protection, subdivision approval, and animal control/bylaw enforcement

Low Satisfaction / High Importance – four (4) of the services fall into this category, namely: local roads, cross-jurisdictional collaboration, affordable housing, and transit/active transportation"

5.3 Park 30KMH Speed Zone

  • 5.3.1. A member will follow up with RCMP for speed enforcement.

  • 5.3.2. Another member (Teresa) will follow up with MLA Adam Olsen's office.


6.1. The Treasurer’s report, budget comparison and balance sheet were received, and are attached.

Motion: That the Treasurers Report be approved.

Moved: Wally Foster

Seconded: MB Rondeau CARRIED


7.1 Marina General Manager

  • 7.1.1. The water has been shut off for winter.

  • 7.1.2. Ongoing work includes getting power to dock shed.

7.2 Recreation/Tennis/Pickleball Report

  • 7.2.1. There was discussion on ball machine use with further discussion ongoing.

7.3 Director-at-Large

  • 7.3.1. Water & Sewer Committee: There is interest in getting information/data on the usage of services including homes that appear to be empty through the year.

  • 7.3.2. American Bullfrog eradication can be pursued in the early spring.

Motion: That the Directors’ Reports be approved.

Moved: MB Rondeau

Seconded: Jean Deschenes CARRIED


8.1. Inc. from Stan A. Orchard, President - Amphibian & Reptile Specialist provided a scope and method for bullfrog eradication for Buck Lake reservoir.


9.1. ‘Slow Down’ Sign Removal and Other Road Issues

  • 9.1.1. It has been confirmed that signs were taken down by Encon (the local contractor) under direction of Ministry staff (MOTI) and have been stored. The rules for signs on rural classification roads do not match the perception of these roads as local community roads. Apparently signs can be removed up to 300m onto private property. MLA Adam Olsen is working on this issue.

  • 9.1.2. A member will arrange to get the Slow Down signs back.

  • 9.1.3. The president will contact RCMP outlining concerns with sign removal.

  • 9.1.4. There was a query about sign bylaw/permits by Islands Trust.

Motion: That the president to contact RCMP regarding this most recent sign removal.

Moved: Dave Reed

Seconded: Jean Deschenes CARRIED

9.2 Shaw/Rogers Fibre Optic Project Notification Sign

  • 9.2.1. A sign has been put up at the trail entrance to Panda Bay (at the end of Harpoon Rd) showing notice of a fibre optic project.

9.3 The phone book contact for MLPOS will be email only.

  1. OTHER

10.1 Islands Trust

  • 10.1.1. The recent OCP bylaw amendments were approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. This included the rezoning of the park on Privateers to ‘Community Park’.

  • 10.1.2. A Housing project is being undertaken by the Local Trust Committee (LTC). At the recent LTC meeting an MLE resident spoke on the need for more flexibility on the type of secondary suites on MLE lots. This echoes the Aug 2022 MLPOS Board Motion for the Bylaw Amendment project:

An important reason for undertaking the rezoning of Magic Lake was to provide more flexible criteria and process in approving secondary suites in residential and/or accessory buildings.”

To support this, an email will be sent to the LTC to re-confirm this approach of allowing more flexible criteria for secondary suites in accessory buildings.

10.2 Email Motions

October Email Motion(Note: This Motion was amended to $15,000 at the AGM): That the Board of Directors of the Magic Lake Society recommends to the membership a donation of $10,000.00 from MLPOS funds, be committed to the Pender Island Parks and Recreation Commission’s Schooner Trail Project, and the donation be paid once the BC Active Transportation Grant is approved.

Moved: Bob Coulson

Seconded: Jean Deschenes CARRIED

October Email Motion: That the board of directors approve the 2023/2024 Budget for distribution to MLPOS members, and presentation at the October 14, 2023 AGM.

Moved: Jean Deschenes

Seconded: Dave Reed CARRIED

October Email Motion: That the board of directors approve the August 31, 2023 budget year Cash Flow Statement for distribution to MLPOS members, and presentation at the October 14, 2023 AGM.

Moved: Jean Deschenes

Seconded: Dave Reed CARRIED


The next meeting will be Monday Dec 11, 2023, 4pm at Community Hall Lounge.

  1. ADJOURNMENT: 5:37pm


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