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MLPOS Directors' Meeting May 8, 2023.



HELD ON MONDAY,May 8, 2023, 4pm

Community Hall Lounge


Bob Coulson (via Zoom) President

Jeremy Harwood (via Zoom) Vice-President

Jean Deschenes Treasurer

Mary Beth Rondeau Secretary

Wally Foster Marina General Manager

Dave Harrison Marina Projects Manager

Art Curtis Marina Operations Manager

Ian Syme Marina Maintenance Manager

Dave Reed Director-At-Large

Mike Wiley Recreation/Tennis

Joanna Rogers Office Manager

ATTENDEES:There was 1 member attending.


Chair Jean Deschenes called the meeting to order at 4:10 pm.


Motion: That the agenda be approved.

Moved: Wally Foster

Seconded: Dave Reed CARRIED


Motion: That the Minutes of the April 10, 2023 Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society Meetingbe approved.

Moved:Mike Wiley

Seconded:Wally Foster CARRIED


Kathleen Durant of the Pender Pod/SGIWSN Whale Sighting Network request to use the breakwater for a World Orca Day festival Friday July 14, 2023 for 3 hours in the afternoon to include temporary use of a boat slip for the Wsanec Marine Guardians, music and food. Use of the grass area and parking lot will be coordinated with PIPRC/CRD.

Motion: That the MLPOS support the July 14, 2023 World Orca Day Friday afternoon festival sponsored by the Pender Pod/SGI Whale Sighting Network to take place in the area of the breakwater and to temporarily use a slip in the marina.

Moved:Wally Foster

Seconded:Dave Reed CARRIED


5.1. Playground/Recreational Update

  • 5.1.1. Drainage issues: The report from Ryzuk has been received and has confirmed this area has clay soils that limit drainage and is lower in topography which results in water being retained in this area. Given the cost to fill this area before a plan for future use has been considered, it was decided to proceed only with a walkway to the tennis courts from the parking lot at this time. This would be likely be a gravel fill by volunteers. The concept will be researched and brought back to a future meeting.

  • 5.1.2. Discussion on placing one of the two gazebos on the level area by the children’s playground.

5.2 Magic Lake Community Service and Governance Issues Study Process Update

  • 5.2.1. Meeting May 8, 2023 with CRD staff and the CRD SGI Director provided a review of the Terms of Reference for this study.

5.3 Defibrillators

  • 5.3.1. Enclosures will be built and instruction seminars on how to use them will be set up.

5.4 Privateers Speed Signage

  • 5.4.1. There was nothing new to report.

5.5 Connected Coast/Shaw Fibreoptic Project on Pender Island

  • 5.5.1. Correspondence is continuing.

5.6 Speed Limit Questionnaire

  • 5.6.1. It was suggested that an email questionnaire to membership on lowering speed limits in all of Magic Lake Estates. The Board considered that, given the jurisdiction for traffic speed is with the Province and the regulation of speeds is with the RCMP, a questionnaire would likely set up expectations that MLPOS could not deliver on.

5.7 North Pender LTC/Land Use Bylaw Project/Park Rezoning

  • 5.7.1. A submission will be sent to the Local Trust Committee for the Bylaw Project Public Hearing restating the issues of the Board.

  • 5.7.2. The park rezoning is proceeding to Public Hearing along with the Bylaws.

  • 5.7.3 At the May 5 LTC meeting, options for forest management including DP Areas were presented. The LTC suggested more education and community engagement on forests rather than formal regulation. Similarly, the Groundwater Project was brought forward but the LTC considered a formal DPA was not sought in favour of concluding the status of water issues and discussing that with the community.


The Treasurer’s report, budget comparison and balance sheet were received, and are attached.

Motion: That the Treasurers Report be approved.

Moved: Dave Reed

Seconded: Wally Foster CARRIED


7.1 Marina General Manager

  • 7.1.1. There were minor general repairs and small adjustments to lighting.

7.2 Recreation / Tennis Report

  • 7.2.1. The cracks in the courts will be filled as a continuing temporary measure.

7.3 Director-at-Large

  • 7.3.1. Pickle ball continues to be busy.

Motion: That the Directors’ Reports be approved.

Moved: Art Curtis

Seconded: Ian Syme CARRIED


  • 8.1.1. PIPRC has requested any comments on last year’s use of Magic Lake Swimming Hole dock for commercial kayak use. The Board generally expressed negative experiences citing primarily the lack of room on the small dock/berm area.

  • 8.1.2. A request for use of the parking lot Privateers Park parking lot for maximum once per week afternoon use by a neighbours music rehearsal. This was supported and an email will be sent to the enquirer.


  • 9.1 A Magic Lake resident sent a letter to the Pender Island Conservancy, CRD and MLPOS on concerns with invasive American Bullfrog to Pender and Magic Lake. The Conservancy will lead this initiative. The secretary will communicate with the Conservancy.


Monday June 12, 2023 at 4pm at Thieves Bay Park (weather permitting) or at the Community Hall lounge.

  1. ADJOURNMENT6:00 pm

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