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A letter to our valued members

We hope you are all staying well and safe in these strange and trying times.

Membership, tennis and moorage fees are due by May 1 each year. This year your renewal package was mailed a little early in order to allow you extra time to respond. These packages were put in the mail on Pender Island on Monday, March 23. Many of you will have received them by now.

First, I would like to assure you that, to the best of my knowledge, this mail out was prepared in a Corona virus free zone. Work surfaces were kept clean and the envelopes were sealed with glue.

Second, I would like to encourage you to send in your dues electronically to avoid trips to the post office for both you and me.

E-transfers can be sent, using the security answer Pender, to You can pay any and all MLPOS dues by e-transfer.

Paypal options are on our website, You can only pay membership, tennis and casual moorage dues using PayPal. You will pay a little more if you use this method to cover the cost of the fees PayPal charges us.

Cheques will still be accepted, of course, and with thanks.

For those of you with permanent moorage in Thieves Bay Marina, you can return your signed moorage contract plus a copy of your marine liability insurance by email to Again, this reduces trips to the post office and, hopefully, helps us all prevent/avoid the spread of the corona virus.

If you are experiencing difficulties in returning your payment and paperwork to us, please let us know. We will help you work something out.

Thank you and stay safe.

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