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Fall President's Letter

It's hard to believe but it's almost 2020,20 years since the new millennium kicked off. lt's also time for our 2019 AGM in October. This past year has presented its challenges. Last year's approval and completion of the Lively Peak emergency access route was a very timely project since December's massive windstorm blocked off roads with multiple trees and power lines downed. This new emergency access route was utilized to allow many people and services to enter and leave Magic Lake Estates. lt also makes for a pleasant walk between Ketch and Scarff Roads. That storm also caused major erosion to the outer bank of the marina breakwater. This has been repaired ready for this winter's assault. The winter's second major storm hit in February dumping long lasting snow with water freezing temperatures. The federal government has taken steps in an attempt to help our resident killer whales recover from low fish resources. These include various fishing and boating closures. Please see the following video for more details on this. As residents in Magic Lake, we are so lucky to have two major assets, the tennis park and Thieves Bay Marina. There has been extensive work done on both this year. The most noticeable is the resurfacing of the tennis courts. We did some refurbishing on the playground as well. Thanks to our many volunteers, under the guidance of Marina Manager, Glenn Henderson; Marina Projects Manager, Art Curtis and Marina Maintenance Manager, lan Syme, the marina has had major work done, though not so noticeable. We had numerous work parties in the spring, replacing hundreds of deck boards, cleats, number plates, piling hoops, etc. ln addition, we have added a kayak rack that MLPOS members can pay a nominal charge to store their kayaks on. We continue to have a strong and dedicated group of directors running the show. l'd like to thank all of them for their hard work, co-operation and support. The board consists of Vice President, Wally Foster; Secretary, Kathy Gilbert; Treasurer, Jean Deschenes; Marina General Manager, Glenn Henderson; Marina Projects Manager, Art Curtis; Marina Maintenance Manager, lan Syme; Marina Operations Manager, Bob Coulson; Director of Recreation /Tennis, Mike Wiley, and last but definitely not least, Director at Large, Dave Reed. I can't leave out our Office Manager, Joanna Rogers. Again, thank you all! The following director positions are up for re-election: President, Vice-President, Marina General Manager, Marina Operations Manager, Director of Recreation / Tennis. Please consider letting your name stand for one of these positions. Many hands.....etc. See you at the Saturday, October 19 2019 AGM, 2:00 pm at the Anglican Church Hall. (Note that the date was incorrect in the September Pender Post). Best regards,

Jeremy Harwood, President

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