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MLPOS Directors Meeting March 11, 2019.

Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society

Directors’ Meeting. March 11, 2019. Pender Island School.

Present: Jeremy Harwood – President, Ian Syme – Marina Projects Manager, Glenn Henderson – Marina General Manager, Bob Coulson – Marina Operations Manager, Art Curtis – Marina Maintenance Manager, Jean Deschenes – Treasurer, Mike Wiley – Director of Recreation/Tennis, Dave Reed – Director at Large, Joanna Rogers – Office Manager.

Regrets: Kathy Gilbert – Secretary, Wally Foster – Vice President.

1. Meeting called to order at 4.05pm.

2. Motion to approve the agenda. Moved by Glenn, seconded by Jean. Carried.

3. Motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting (January 14, 2019) as amended. Moved by Ian, seconded by Glenn. Carried.

Amendment to January 14, 2019 minutes:

Section 7. Director Reports. a. Marina. Paragraph 1.

Change “parking in the ambulance spot” to “parking in the unloading zone”.

4. Delegation. None.

5. Business arising from previous minutes.

Issues regarding parking and payment of moorage fees involving an RCMP officer have been addressed.

Contracts for casual moorage as well as policy for small boat moorage in docks still need to be sorted out.

If a boater has annual moorage for a large boat, which is not in the water, and wants to use that berth for a smaller boat, this can only happen during the winter months. In the summer, the smaller boat will be in casual moorage in whichever berth is available, and the vacant larger berth will be made available for casual moorage of large boats.

6. Treasurer’s Report.

January revenue was $1200 less than January 2018 due to less moorage received.

January expenses were more than January 2018 due to Marina Lease payment in Jan 2019 rather than in Dec 2017.

February 2019 revenue was only a dollar different from February 2018 revenue.

February expenses were $1209 higher due to marina maintenance; repairs to storm-damaged docks.

Expenses and revenues are on track with the budget.

2018 fund additions will be added to Term Deposits when they mature in July.

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Moved by Glenn, seconded by Ian. Carried.

7. Director Reports.


All dinghies stored at the marina must be clearly marked with the number of their “parent” boat. Dinghy storage at the marina is only for boaters with a berth at the marina. This will be communicated to all boaters via the annual renewal mailout at the end of March.

Boaters moored at Thieves Bay Marina are expected to know and obey regulations pertaining to the safety of whales. Ian will post a notice advising of these regulations at the marina shack. Joanna will email this notice to all boaters at the marina.

There is an unknown boat in the marina. It has been moored in C32 but has been moved to B Dock. Glenn and the marina team will find out who this boat belongs to.


The court has weathered the cold and snow pretty well.

Mike is still trying to arrange for the court to be re-surfaced.

Mike will talk to Braedon about the cost of levelling out the tennis park to make it more user friendly.

Director at Large.

Dave attended an Islands Trust meeting. Waste transfer stations is still on the table. Gulf Excavating was granted a 1 year Temporary Use Permit to operate out of Old MacDonald Farm (zoned for agricultural use).

Motion to accept the Director Reports. Moved by Jean, seconded by Art. Carried.

8. Correspondence. None.

9. New Business. None.

10. Other.

Breakwater repair contract.

2 bids were obtained; one each from Braedon and Ron Henshaw. The bids were very close in cost. As time is of the essence and Braedon is able to start work sooner than Ron, the contract will go to Braedon.

Ian brought up the question of how MLPOS could better represent the residents of Magic Lake Estates. Jeremy will include a paragraph in his Spring President’s Letter asking for input on this from members. The April Pender Post article will also include this request, but geared to all residents in Magic Lake, rather than just MLPOS members.

11. Meeting adjourned at 5.05pm.

Next meeting will be on April 8th at the Pender School.

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