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Presidents Letter - Fall 2018

Hello Magic Lake Property Owner’s Society members,

As we endure record fire smoke this summer, Magic Lake Estates’ operating year is coming to an end.

On behalf of your Board of Directors, Mike Wiley, Director of Recreation/Tennis, Jean Deschenes, Treasurer, Dave Reed, Member at Large, Peter Morton, Vice-President, Kathy Gilbert, Secretary and the Marina Team: Glen Henderson, General Manager, Ian Syme, Projects Manager, Art Curtis, Maintenance Manager and Patrick Cramond, Operations Manager, I invite all members to attend our Annual General Meeting on Saturday, October 13th at 3pm at the Anglican Church Hall on Canal Road. The Annual General Meeting has been moved to October to give the board more time to wrap the year up, and to present less conflict with other events occurring in September.

The AGM is our opportunity to bring you up to date on the year’s events, present our plans for 2018/2019, and hear your questions and suggestions. Although the marina and tennis courts are large responsibilities in our operations, we also play a significant advocacy role for our members. David Reed sits on the Magic Lake Water and Sewer Advisory Committee, and often attends Island’s Trust and CRD meetings to keep us up to date on those fronts. Thanks Dave for your invaluable diligence in these matters.

At this year’s AGM, we will be presenting a new constitution and bylaws for approval by the members. This is a provincial government requirement due to the enactment of the new Societies Act.

The Board positions up for election this year are: Secretary, Treasurer, Director-at-Large, Marina Projects Manager and Marina Maintenance Manager. Several of the incumbent members have agreed to run for another term. Please let us know if you would like to run for any of these positions.

We anticipate that the Vice President and Marina Operations Manager positions will be vacated following the AGM, and replacements will be appointed by the Board. If you are interested in one of these positions, please let us know.

Thanks to Joanna Rogers, our Office Manager, for helping us to stay on track. And thanks to the Board members for all their hard work this past year, and their volunteer spirit, which makes this such a great organization, and helps make Magic Lake Estates such a wonderful place to live and call home.

We hope to see you all at the 2018 AGM.

Best regards,

Jeremy Harwood

President, MLPOS

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