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MLPOS Meeting Minutes - Dec 11, 2017

Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society, Directors’ Meeting

11 December, 2017. 4pm. Pender Island School.

Present: Directors; Jeremy Harwood, Ian Syme, Dave Reed, Peter Morton, Art Curtis, Mike Wiley, Jean Deschenes. Office Manager; Joanna Rogers. Guest; Rachel Lenkowski.

Regrets: Kathy Gilbert, Glenn Henderson, Patrick Crammond.

1. Meeting called to order at 4.05pm.

2. Motion to approve the Agenda. Moved by Peter, seconded by Ian. Carried.

3. Motion to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting. Moved by Dave, seconded by Peter. Carried.

4. Delegation.

Rachel explained that the equipment in the playground adjacent to the tennis courts is in need of repair and/or replacement. She said that it would be great for parents if any new equipment installed in this area could appeal to a wider age range of children rather than being limited to appealing to children 5 years old and younger, as is the case at the moment.

Rachel presented information collected by herself and by another mother, also called Rachel. They had both researched companies providing playground equipment and had each come up with three scenarios. It will cost approx. $50,000 to replace the existing equipment. It will cost approx. $80,000 to replace the equipment and add another piece of equipment, such as ac additional climbing frame or a roundabout. It will cost approx. $120,000 to create a dream playground with additional equipment and a zip line.

Carol Nicholson has expressed an interest in helping secure grant money for this. Dave has agreed to talk to David Howe.

Dave and Mike will organize a work party, with the help of the marina team, to repair the existing equipment.

Rachel also expressed a wish for one or more gazebos for use by families in rainy weather.

The directors thanked Rachel for her presentation. Rachel left the meeting.

5. Business arising from previous minutes.

The new sign welcoming people to Magic Lake Estates will be installed in April or May.

On December 5th, Jan Kirkby, Environmental Biologist, gave a guided tour of the Lively Peak Park to Directors to explain the ecology of the park and how this might be impacted by the emergency route slated to be constructed through this park. The directors were grateful to Jan for doing this. Joanna will send a Thank You note to Jan.

Art described three alternative emergency routes that did not seem viable:

1. From the end of Ketch Road, along a road allowance to the old Henshaw property now owned by the Mill Bay Group who own the pub. The MBG requested too many concessions and this 900m route would be expensive and time-consuming.

2. From Shingle Bay to Roe Lake and over to South Otter Bay Road. Because this option crosses National Park land, it could take decades for any kind of arrangement to be made.

3. From the end of Mate Road down to the main road. This entails getting permission to cross private land and this is not forthcoming.

The directors requested clarification on 2 issues:

1. Will the emergency road be flanked by a fire smart area on either side increasing the footprint from 14’ to 34’?

2. Will this route be for emergency vehicles only or will it also serve as an egress route for Magic Lake Estates residents in the case of an emergency?

Work is proposed to start in February before birds start nesting.

Art will ask Charlie Boyte to address the above questions.

Jean requested a brief outline in writing and available to all Magic Lake Estates residents so everyone knows what is involved with this project.

The directors acknowledged the huge amount of work put into this project by the Fire Department and also recognized the contribution made by those opposing the project on ecological grounds.

6. Treasurer’s Report.

Revenues and Expenses are on track.

Jean had requested that Joanna follow up on a lead that Coast Capital Savings might be offering better interest rates on Term Deposits than Island Savings. This is, in fact, true. However, we are unable to avail ourselves of these rates because we do not have a signer who has been a member of Coast Capital for at least 6 months and this is a prerequisite.

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Moved by Peter, seconded by Art. Carried.

7. Directors’ Reports.

Marina. Art and Ian.

New rails have been installed on the ambulance dock.

The pump and generators have been taken home by Glenn for maintenance.

Materials have been ordered to make new hoops for the pilings.

There have been almost daily log patrols by Ian, Art and Dave.

Tennis. Mike.

The net-winding mechanism cracked in October. This has been patched together by Bill Hanson and Derek Holzapfel.

Director-at-Large. Dave.

The gazebo construction at Thieves Bay Park has been approved in principle by the Islands Trust. The size of the structure will now be up for discussion.

Roy Moore is working on a detailed financial plan for the lawn bowling proposal.

Motion to approve the Directors’ Reports as presented. Moved by Peter, seconded by Dave. Carried.

8. No correspondence.

9. No new business.

10. No other business.

11. Meeting adjourned at 5.30.

Next meeting is 8 January, 2018 at the school.

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