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Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society Directors’ Meeting

Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society Directors’ Meeting

January 8, 2018. 4pm. Pender Island School.

Present: Peter Morton (acting chair), Jean Deschenes, Glenn Henderson, Patrick Crammond, Mike Wiley, Joanna Rogers (minutes).

Regrets: Jeremy Harwood, Kathy Gilbert, Art Curtis, Ian Syme, David Reed.

1. Meeting called to order at 4.07pm.

2. Motion to approve the agenda. Moved by Jean, seconded by Glenn. Carried.

3. Motion to approve the previous meeting minutes. Moved by Jean, seconded by Glenn. Carried.

4. Delegation. None.

5. Business arising from previous minutes. None.

6. Treasurer’s Report.

Jean reported that both revenues and expenses are on track.

Fund balances remain unchanged.

It was agreed to redeem all existing term deposits and reinvest them at the new rate offered by Island Savings on their 9 + 9 Term Deposits.

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Moved by Glenn, seconded by Mike. Carried.

7. Directors’ Reports.


Glenn reported that he has done maintenance work on both the marina pump and generators.

Hardware has been purchased for hoops on 6 pilings. Three pilings need new hoops now, which leaves three extra on hand.

There will be spring maintenance on the dock outside the shed where it meets the ramp and also on the fish cleaning station.

Patrick has assigned some berths and is following up on the incomplete contracts needing attention.


Mike reported that there had been no action on the courts due to rain and snow.

Peter reported that Jeremy, David and Mike will be organizing a work party at the playground to clean and fix the equipment.

Motion to accept the Directors’ reports. Moved by Mike, seconded by Glenn. Carried.

8. Correspondence. None.

9. New Business.

Pender Island Junior Sailing has requested a donation of $500 from MLPOS for the 2018 season.

Glenn will ask Bruce Waygood to come to the February Directors meeting to give a presentation.

Glenn will also talk to Bruce about having a swap meet at Thieves Bay as a fundraiser for PIJS.

There will be no action on purchasing new equipment for the playground until the application from the Lawn Bowling contingent has been settled. Any expansion of the playground could cut into the land requested for lawn bowling.

Joanna will prepare certificates for the Winter Auction held to raise funds for the school.

2 Family non-MLPOS tennis memberships @ $70.35 each.

Casual moorage for a 20’ slip for 3 months @ $210. P&I insurance must be in place for this to be honoured.

10. Other. None.

11. Motion to adjourn the meeting moved by Glenn. Meeting adjourned at 4.40pm.

Next meeting is Tuesday February 13, 2018 at the Pender Island school.

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