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MLPOS Meeting Minutes - Mar 13, 2017

Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society Directors’ Meeting

March 13, 2017. 4pm.

Pender Island School Community Room

Present: Jean Deschenes, Wally Foster, Mike Wiley, Ian Syme, Art Curtis, Joanna Rogers.

Regrets: Peter Morton, Jeremy Harwood, Kathy Gilbert, Glenn Henderson, Dave Reed.

1. Meeting called to order at 4.05pm.

2. Agenda approved. Moved by Wally, seconded by Ian. Carried.

3. Previous meeting’s minutes approved. Moved by Wally, seconded by Art. Carried.

4. No delegations.

5. Business arising from previous minutes.

Wally reported on the BC Assessment appeal hearing that he attended with Kathy and Joanna on March 2. The 3-person panel was unable to reach a decision based on the information presented by both parties (MLPOS and BC Assessment) and based on time constraints. They recommended that we take our case to the Assessment Appeal Board. Following the hearing, there was a discussion with Peter Bakker, the BC Assessment representative. He suggested that MLPOS representatives meet with him and his boss prior to the Appeal Board hearing. Wally, Kathy and Jean will attend this meeting on behalf of the society. Joanna will arrange a date for this meeting.

6. Treasurer’s Report.

Jean reported that February revenues were down from last year due to there being no moorage-related revenues and no interest paid yet (this will be paid when the term deposits mature). Expenses are on track with the budget.

We received a letter from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations requesting a certificate of insurance and a security deposit of $2,000 for the marina lease.

Motion: to pay the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations the amount required for the marina lease security deposit. Moved by Wally, seconded by Ian. Carried.

Joanna will phone this office to see if they are able to tell us if the terms of our lease are the same as the terms for the commercial marinas on Pender Island.

Report accepted. Moved by Art, seconded by Ian. Carried.

7. Directors’ Reports.

Marina Report.

Wally reported that he and Glenn met with the sign maker to decide on the final location of the new signs: the far end of the breakwater, the 2 parking spots on the breakwater, the entrance to the marina by the tidal grid. They also firmed up the wording of these new signs.

Art reported that he, Ian and Glenn had rescued the marina boat from sinking due to accumulation of snow.

Ian reported that he and Wally had walked the docks in order to monitor the derelict boat situation in anticipation of the marina contracts being sent out.

Jean mentioned that the lines, newly painted last year, had deteriorated badly and are in need of a touch up. Jeremy will contact the line-painting company about this when he returns from Mexico.

Tennis Report.

Mike reported that there was nothing to report.


Dave was not present to give an update.

Motion to accept the directors’ reports. Moved by Mike, seconded by Wally. Carried.

8. No correspondence other than the letter from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations dealt with in the Treasurer’s Report.

9. New Business.

The directors approved the content of the President’s letter for inclusion in the membership mailout at the end of March.

The directors agreed that the marina rules and regulations have not changed this year and that the new insurance requirements and late-payment penalties will be communicated to members via email and print to those without email.

10. No other business.

11. Meeting adjourned at 5.05pm. Moved by Wally, seconded by Ian. Carried.

Next meeting: April 10, 2017 at 4pm at the Pender Island School.

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