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MLPOS Meeting Minutes - Nov 14, 2016

Magic Lake Property Owners' Society Directors' Meeting

14 November, 2016. 4pm. Pender Island School.

Present. Ian Syme, Dave Reed, Wally Foster, Art Curtis, Mike Wiley, Joanna Rogers.

Regrets: Kathy Gilbert, Jean Deschenes, Peter Morton, Glenn Henderson, Jeremy Harwood.

Guests: Hae Sung Yum, Mike Fossl.

1. Meeting called to order at 4.05pm.

2. Agenda approved. Moved by Ian, seconded by Mike. Carried.

3 & 4. No minutes available from previous meeting.

5. Treasurer's Report.

In Jean's absence, and at her request, Joanna presented the cash flow statement for October plus a comparison with the previous year and the balance sheet. There were no extraordinary expenses or revenues to report.

6. Directors' Reports.


Wally reported on action taken to deal with derelict boats in the marina. The boat owners have been called to notify them that their boats have been reported as derelict and to let them know that this needs to be dealt with.

Ian reported that measures have been taken to ensure that all boats in the marina are in sheltered berths for the winter.

Art reported that he will be taking care of issues found on the last dock walk.


Mike reported that Doug Bates has repaired the court scrapers. This is very good news. Mike Fossl suggested a mid-season power wash of the courts to prevent build-up of moss.


Dave reported that he attended the last Islands Trust meeting. The people who received the STVR permit might not want it any longer due to all the conditions.

An archaeological survey is under way at Port Browning Marina prior to the building of 29 cabins and a subaquatic study is now required prior to any off-shore development.

Dave also reported that he attended the Water and Sewer Committee meeting in his capacity as a member of that committee. Kathy Heslop is the new chair of the committee (replacing Jim Petrie) and Alex Wilson is the new vice chair. Items discussed at the meeting included; the dam upgrade, water pipe replacement, sewage treatment plant replacement, a second referendum, the new forced main system for Chart Drive, which is now working (with some issues).

Motion to accept the Directors reports: Moved by Art. Seconded by Ian. Carried.

7. Correspondence.

Letter received from Barb MacPherson on behalf of Santa's Sac requesting a donation.

Motion to donate $250 to Santa's Sac. Moved by Wally. Seconded by Mike. Carried.

8. New Business.

The new website is finished and live. The Board expressed thanks to Lisa Moorby for creating this beautiful new site.

Joanna will amend the new Welcome Letter to include more emphasis on the advocacy role of the MLPOS Board of Directors. An up-dated version will be emailed to all directors for feedback before it is adopted for use.

The directors will meet at the pub or Joe's after the December meeting for a celebratory drink and appies.

9. No other business.

10. Meeting adjourned at 4.50pm.

Next meeting December 12th at 4pm at the school.

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