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MLPOS Meeting Minutes - June 13, 2016

MINUTES OF THE MAGIC LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS` SOCIETY Directors Meeting Held on Monday, June 13, 2016

3:00pm at the Pender Island School Meeting Room

5714 Canal Rd, Pender Island, BC

PRESENT: Peter Morton President Wally Foster General Manager – Marina Dave Reed Member-at-Large Kathy Gilbert Secretary Jeremy Harwood Marina Maintenance Manager REGRETS: Peter Testemale Marina Operations Manager Mike Wiley Director – Tennis / Recreation Jean Deschenes Treasurer Glenn Henderson Marina Projects Manager Joanna Rogers Office Manager GUEST: Ian Syme

1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Morton called the meeting to order at 3:14 pm.

2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Dave Reed Seconded by Wally Foster That the agenda be approved. CARRIED Note: Items 10 b and 10 c were added at the ended of Item 10.




6. TREASURER`S REPORT As Jean Deschenes was not present, this item was laid over.

7. DIRECTOR REPORTS Marina Line painting, clearly identifying marina and ambulance parking spots has been completed. Jeremy Harwood will have two additional signs posted to further clarify the marina parking areas. Wally Foster commented that some of the lines are already showing signs of wear. Jeremy will follow up as required with the line painting contractor.

Wally Foster noted recent thefts of unsecured items from boats. An email will be sent to all boat owners requesting that all unsecured items be secured or be placed out of sight. RCMP officers do regular patrols of the marina and plan to increase their patrols. Wally stated that any unusual activity be reported to the detachment in the “observe, record, report” model. He has met with one of the local members regarding a dock watch program (fall for follow-up.) The member made several suggestions regarding enhanced security: motion-detector lights at the end of dock, together with “trail” cameras that will be activated when the lights come on. It was recommended that “marina watch” signs be placed at the equipment shack and breakwater.

One kayak is to be occupying a slip, with full payment, for the season.

Glenn Henderson will be contacting Pender Island Waste Management to have them remove the old booms that have come loose from their moorings. No booms to replace the old ones are planned. Jeremy is working to have water installed at the docks as previously planned.

With respect to the marina contracts that have yet to be signed and returned, Ian Syme reported that 12-14 boat owners have yet to respond. He recommended a change in practice as follows: one phone call, one letter advising that if contracts have not been returned by a certain date, marina privileges will be cancelled. Securing of the boat to render it unmovable or impoundment may follow.

Recreation / Tennis On behalf of Mike Wiley, Dave Reed reported that an all-summer tennis tournament is underway. Twenty-seven matches are required for participants. A final is to be held in August.

Director-at-Large Dave Reed advised that there is an upcoming waste management open house; date to be announced. A suggestion has been made by North Pender Island Trustee Derek Masselink, to have curb-side waste pick-up for all property owners. This would add to the annual tax bill and is not a suitable model for all.

On-going discussions continue with the various land owners regarding a second emergency egress from Magic Lake Estates.

With respect to short term vacation rentals (STVRs,) the Islands Trust is considering the use of temporary use permits for those wanting to use their property as an STVR. A test application may be submitted to the Islands Trust shortly.

Moved by Wally Foster Seconded by Jeremy Harwood That the Directors’ reports be accepted. CARRIED

8. CORRESPONDENCE None. However, it was noted that Jim McCrum, Vice-President, had submitted his resignation via email. The position will remain vacant until the AGM in September.


10. OTHER a. Report regarding impact of summer visitors on infrastructure Deleted from agenda. b. Moved by Wally Foster Seconded by Peter Morton That, in recognition of the many hours that the retiring General Manager – Marina and Marina Operations Manager have contributed to the marina functions over the years that they have served, that Wally Foster and Peter Testemale be given a lifetime exemption from paying moorage. CARRIED c. Whitehall Sculling Boats Dave Reed raised the suggestion (which was raised previously informally) that the marina consider purchasing Whitehall sculling boats for rent. There seems to be local interest in this opportunity. Insurance might be available through the community insurance group.

11. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Wally Foster that the June 13 2016 meeting of the Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society be adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm. Next meeting August 8 3:00 pm Thieves Bay Park Alternative location in case of rain: 1613 Storm Crescent (Kathy and Bob Gilbert’s house)

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