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MLPOS Meeting Minutes - Aug 8, 2016

Magic Lake Property Owners' Society Directors' Meeting August 8, 2016. 3pm. Thieves Bay Park

Present: Jean Deschenes, Mike Wiley, Peter Testemale, Glenn Henderson, Wally Foster, Dave Reed, Joanna Rogers. Regrets: Peter Morton, Kathy Gilbert, Jeremy Harwood. Guest: Art Curtis.

1. Meeting called to order at 3.10pm. 2. Agenda approved. 3. Previous Meeting Minutes approved. 4. Delegation: None. 5. Business Arising from Previous Minutes: None.

6. Treasurer's Report.

Property Taxes were a lot higher this year. Jean will investigate. Joanna will send her the paperwork.

Dave suggested that we accept payments electronically. Joanna will look into this. We will also investigate sending out contracts and invoices electronically next year.

Motion: To accept the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2016 as presented by Jean Deschenes. Moved by Glenn. Seconded by Peter. Carried.

Motion: To accept the June Financial Statements as presented by Jean Deschenes. Moved by Jean. Seconded by Peter. Carried.

Motion: To appoint Ian Syme as Marina Operations Manager until the AGM on September 17, 2016 when this position will be up for election for a one year term. Moved by Peter. Seconded by Wally. Carried.

7. Directors' Reports.

Marina. Glenn reported that stolen items have been returned. Glenn and Art will take on cleaning and repainting the bottom of the marina boat.

Recreation/Tennis. Mike reported that Dave Reed does a lot of work at the tennis courts. David reported that there will be a tennis tournament in a couple of weeks.

Director at Large. Dave reported that the Islands Trust favours temporary use permits for STVRs. A test case has been approved on Yawl Lane despite protestations from the neighbours. The permit has been granted for 15 months which is a reduction from the originally proposed 3-year term.

Motion: To accept the directors' reports as presented. Moved by Peter. Seconded by Glenn. Carried.

8. Correspondence: None.

9. New Business.

The skulling boat initiative is on hold for the moment. Security at the marina will be stepped up. As per the police recommendation, cameras with motion sensitive lights will be installed. Ian Syme to work with Robb Zuk on this. We already have lights purchased earlier by Peter Morton. If problems persist at the marina, then the installation of a gate will be considered.

Free moorage.

It was decided that it is the responsibility of each Board to make their own policy regarding the granting of free moorage to those who have served long terms.

Peter Testemale and Wally Foster are granted free moorage at Thieves Bay Marina for the rest of their lives.

Positions up for election: 2 year terms: Marina Maintenance Manager Marina Projects Manager Secretary Treasurer Director at Large

1 year term: Vice President Marina Operations Manager Motion: To approve the minutes of the 2015 AGM as emailed to the directors by Kathy Gilbert and to approve the President's Letter submitted by Peter Morton via email. Moved by Wally. Seconded by Glenn. Carried.

10. The Board heartily thanked Peter Testemale for his many years as a director.

11. Meeting adjourned at 4pm.

Next meeting: AGM, Sept 17 2016 at 2pm, Anglican Church Hall.

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